Tuesday, September 14, 2010

at long last, a new post

hello dear blogspot,

how are you, been so long since i wrote down something.. let me see, the last one was June, so counting months that would be 3 months, or lets say 12 weeks. hey I've always thought 12 was a lucky number hehe... a lot has happened.. quite a lot.. i am now 23, lol.. i pretty much think like not 23 though, .. Lola is now in a better place..yes.. we all know she is.. i miss her you know, i miss her so bad but sometimes i try really hard not to think about it.. because then i wouldn't feel so sad.. so well, it has been a great journey, thank you Lord.

uhm, what else, a lot of people came over during Lola's wake, and we were almost complete, i mean tita ann, tito nohmar and tito brick were here, almost since tita vivian wasn't here but we all know Lola understood that.. i hope they get to come over really soon, especially on Christmas, that would be so better. (Lord, i know you can hear me). ehehehe

my previous post was about somebody, you know who.. lol, but it seemed like a long time ago since i kept crying like whatever, i would probably see him soon since we always hold a high school reunion every year, and well,we still are classmates after all... i broke my heart again actually after that one, i know right, unbelievable klutz i am tsktsk.. but guess what? I'm with someone now, lets say , yes its pretty much official. lol , i know that's different since i always keep my love life at a low key, very low key that nobody would really care if i suddenly become single again.. now that would be exaggerating because, I'm sort of never single but never in a relationship haha..

anyway and anyhow, yes I'm in a relationship right now (do i hear an applause), haha... my friends know, my family knows.. and God knows.. and you would probably ask me if I am in love with him, well I suppose i am,clearly and honestly i don't know much if there's truth to what i say every time since I've said those words to so many times before to different guys.. (you should know better, i have so many posts about that already =p) .. he's away right now, sort of a long distance relationship.. i have never been in a long distance relationship, so God help me .. and i really meant me, cause i think he could handle it way better ..hehe..
but well wish us luck then.. I'll get back to you soon,

nothing is new at work.. its been a year since i started there ..time passes so quickly. sighs*

song playing: long distance by Bruno mars

* I miss you Lola

Thank you Lord, still for everything..

p.s. it wasn't June, it was April since my last post.. =p I know you missed me..haha..and my emo moods..

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